I've had a lot of thoughts this semester about this class and the blogs. I understand the need for such classes at the university level. I think this class serves a valid purpose and is full of great tools and knowledge. I personally have had experience with computers for much of my life and I am technologically minded. Most of the things we learned in EDM 310 were, what I thought, basic things about blogging and social networking. The word processing was very simple and I'd assumed most students thought so also but that wasn't always the case. I believe that everyone has the social networking down. I would like to have seen more spreadsheet and word processing lessons. Most employers use spreadsheets like Excell and that is a crucial skill that is needed. We lost some students from the class at the begining of the semester probably because they may have felt intimidated by the computer. I suppose we take technology for granted. I liked the podcasts and thought they were well done. One thing I think should have been done was some sort of video project or maybe a live streaming type of thing. Also, I think one or twp classes from home with some sort of video conferencing thing would have been beneficial. I really think that Twitter was a little overblown but we did start that towards the end of the semester. Maybe Twitter would have been more readily recieved if we had started it at the begining of the semester but I relize that it was a new spur of the moment thing and I know Dr. Strange is incorporating it in to his future classes. ONe more thing that may have been cool would have been to get Mr. C or another teacher to speak to us live over thee Internet and maybe teach a lesson. I really can't think of anything else. I enjoyed the class and Dr. Strange is a pretty good instructor despite his strange fasination with all things Apple!
Good ideas! Thanks!