Sunday, February 1, 2009

Elementary Blogging Around the World

After looking at some domestic blog site I thought I would go hunting for some international sites. I wanted to see what children in other countries might be up to and how they might be able to share those things with others around the world.

I found one site in China,, which gives some great insight into elementary education in rural China. One post that I liked was the one called 6th Grade Paper Rockets. The students look like they were engaged and learning science. They also look like they were enjoying their selves also. Just children having fun with learning.

Another really interesting site I found belongs to a school in England. The schools site can be found here: One of the most interesting things on this site was that it was geared towards teaching thier students French. All of the blogs on this site were about lessons on doing things in French speaking terms. One of the blogs titled Quel temps fait-il aujourd'hui? was interesting. The teacher used a wheather site to have her students put the various wheather terms into French words. That was very interesting.


  1. Hi Michael, my name is Ron Sung. I'm glad you enjoyed reading my blog post. Here in rural China, the science curriculum is very poor, especially for elementary school. I'm trying to spice things up with interesting projects. A little bit about me: I'm from the Dallas area, went to school at the University of Texas at Austin, and used to be a teacher in Oakland, CA. Let me know if you have some cool ideas for math/science projects we can do here in the village.

  2. Hi Michael,

    The blog you found on teaching french was in fact in Scotland not England! We are a small primary school with around 250 pupils aged 5 - 12. We teach french for the last 3 years of primary school before they go on to High School (and more french!) We stopped using it because we have a newintrtanet called Glow for all schools in Scotland but I am thinking of using the blog again.
